MIRAE ASSET Building on principles

Global Recognition

Investment Excellence,
Recognized Globally

Mirae Asset's extensive product suite of competitive
strategies with established track records is globally
recognized and have received a broad range of industry
awards and ratings from respected fund rating agencies.

Select Morningstar ratings of
Mirae Asset funds
Domicile Fund name Rating
Australia Global X EURO STOXX 50® ETF rate
Canada Horizons Active Ultra-Shrt Trm IG Bd ETF rate
Canada Horizons Europe 50 Index ETF rate
Canada Horizons Active Global Dividend ETF Comm rate
Canada Horizons NASDAQ-100® ETF rate
Hong Kong Global X Hang Seng High Div Yield ETF rate
India Mirae Asset Equity Savings Dir Gr rate
India Mirae Asset Equity Savings Dir IDCW-P rate
Luxembourg Mirae Asst ESG Asia Sect Ldr Eq Z GBPCap rate
Luxembourg Mirae Asset India Mid Cap Equity J JPY rate
South Korea MiraeAsset ASEAN SelQ Anty Fdr Eq 1 Ce rate
South Korea MiraeAsset RP Aisa Pac40 Fdr BdBal1 CP2e rate
South Korea MiraeAsset Asia Pac Sec Ldr Fdr Eq 1 Ce rate
South Korea MiraeAsset RP Asia Pacific Fdr Eq 1 CP2e rate
South Korea MiraeAsset China A share Eq Fdr 1 A UH rate
* Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China
As of March 2024
Morningstar rates funds from one to five stars based on how well they’ve performed (after adjusting for risk) in comparison to similar funds. Within each Morningstar Category, the top 10% of funds receive five stars, the next 22.5% four stars, the middle 35% three stars, the next 22.5% two stars, and the bottom 10% receive one star. Funds are rated for up to three time periods— three-, five-, and 10 years—and these ratings are combined to produce an overall rating. Funds with less than three years of history are not rated. Ratings are objective, based entirely on a mathematical evaluation of past performance. They’re a useful tool for identifying funds worthy of further research, but shouldn’t be considered buy or sell recommendations.
Select Morningstar
ratings of
Mirae Asset funds
As of March 2024
Domicile Australia
Fund name Global X EURO STOXX 50® ETF
Rating rate
Domicile Canada
Fund name Horizons Active Ultra-Shrt Trm IG Bd ETF
Rating rate
Domicile Canada
Fund name Horizons Europe 50 Index ETF
Rating rate
Domicile Canada
Fund name Horizons Active Global Dividend ETF Comm
Rating rate
Domicile Canada
Fund name Horizons NASDAQ-100® ETF
Rating rate
Domicile Hong Kong
Fund name Global X Hang Seng High Div Yield ETF
Rating rate
Domicile India
Fund name Mirae Asset Equity Savings Dir Gr
Rating rate
Domicile India
Fund name Mirae Asset Equity Savings Dir IDCW-P
Rating rate
Domicile Luxembourg
Fund name Mirae Asst ESG Asia Sect Ldr Eq Z GBPCap
Rating rate
Domicile Luxembourg
Fund name Mirae Asset India Mid Cap Equity J JPY
Rating rate
Domicile South Korea
Fund name MiraeAsset ASEAN SelQ Anty Fdr Eq 1 Ce
Rating rate
Domicile South Korea
Fund name MiraeAsset RP Aisa Pac40 Fdr BdBal1 CP2e
Rating rate
Domicile South Korea
Fund name MiraeAsset Asia Pac Sec Ldr Fdr Eq 1 Ce
Rating rate
Domicile South Korea
Fund name MiraeAsset RP Asia Pacific Fdr Eq 1 CP2e
Rating rate
Domicile South Korea
Fund name MiraeAsset China A share Eq Fdr 1 A UH
Rating rate

Morningstar rates funds from one to five stars based on how well they’ve performed (after adjusting for risk) in comparison to similar funds. Within each Morningstar Category, the top 10% of funds receive five stars, the next 22.5% four stars, the middle 35% three stars, the next 22.5% two stars, and the bottom 10% receive one star. Funds are rated for up to three time periods— three-, five-, and 10 years—and these ratings are combined to produce an overall rating. Funds with less than three years of history are not rated. Ratings are objective, based entirely on a mathematical evaluation of past performance. They’re a useful tool for identifying funds worthy of further research, but shouldn’t be considered buy or sell recommendations.


Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China